“心・技・体”はもちろん、センスの磨かれた素敵なダンサーが生まれますようにとの願いを込めて、2009 年に立ち上げられた。
Rhizomatiks Researchとのコラボレーションを多く行っており、"Sónar Festival","Festival Internacional Cervantino", "MUTEK MEXICO""MUTEK Montréal ""Gray Area Festival"に招聘されるなど、日本のみならず活躍の場を海外にも広げる。
2018年1月にはRhizomatiks Research x ELEVENPLAY US TOUR 2018「things」を、4月にはELEVENPLAY×Rhizomatiks Research×Kyle McDonald NORTH AMERICAN TOUR 2018 「discrete figures」を成功させるなど、精力的に活動している。
Dance company directed by choreographer & art director, MIKIKO.
ELEVENPLAY was founded by MIKIKO in 2009, in the hopes of creating dancers who would possess highly artistic sense and creativity on top of exquisite techniques, body and spirit.
Composed of female dancers from a variety of genre, ELEVENPLAY has diverse methods of expression are diverse from stages to video works and still photos.
We have many collaboration pieces with Rhizomatiks Research, directed by Daito Manabe; we were privileged to present one of such pieces at "Sónar Festival," "Festival Internacional Cervantino," "MUTEK MEXICO," "MUTEK Montréal," and "Gray Area Festival."
We have been eagerly broadening our playing field worldwide, as seen in Rhizomatiks Research x ELEVENPLAY US TOUR 2018「things」in January 2018 and ELEVENPLAY× Rhizomatiks Research × Kyle McDonald NORTH AMERICAN TOUR 2018 「discrete figures」in April that were also a large success.
MIKIKO, a stage designer/choreographer.
As the director and chief choreographer of dance company "ELEVENPLAY", MIKIKO has been building up her very own creative world with the company's highly talented dancers.
She has taken an artistic direction and choreographic direction for famous Japanese artists like Perfume, BABYMETAL, Ringo Shiina and more and for various MV, CM and stages.
Her works have gained a highly reputation in the Media Arts world both of Japan and overseas. In the universe of MIKIKO, the mixture of the real and virtual worlds generates immediate fascination with her adept skills in utilizing the newest technology for her choreographies.
She has collaborated with creators transcending a wide various of genres.